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Controversial Issues: Getting started: Topic overviews

Topics: Getting started

Need a topic?

  • Browse for overviews in subject areas you are interested in.
  • Once you choose a topic, narrow it down to a question, with at least two defensible sides. 
  • Find resources for both sides of the issue; not just ones that you agree with. ​

Book series

Book series on controversial topics
Each book in these series covers a single broad subject, giving the arguments on different sides of the issues. You can also find some statistics and historical background. You might want to use just a single chapter from one of these books. Opposing Viewpoints is also available as a database. To find a list of books in each series, search for the series by title in the Breck US Library catalog.

  1. At Issue
  2. At Issue in history

More sources

Overviews in databases

These databases are particularly good for browsing for topic ideas or finding overviews of topics. Off-campus availability is limited to current students, faculty, and staff.